Yearly Archives: 2013

“It is the name of Jesus that saves” – Pope

Pope Francis

Pope Francis continued his reflections on how the Resurrection shapes our lives and human history. In one of his last morning mass celebrations, Pope Francis then told a story: “A humble man works in the curia of Buenos Aires. He has worked there for 30 years, he is the father of eight children. Before he goes out, before going out to do the things that he must do, he always says, ‘Jesus!’… Read more »

“Do not be afraid to go forth and announce the Risen Christ” – Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis on Sunday urged the faithful to be courageous in proclaiming their faith.
Speaking to crowds of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Regina Coeli prayer, the Pope highlighted the fact that the eighth Sunday of Easter is also Divine Mercy Sunday, and he renewed his Easter greetings with the words of the Risen Christ: Peace be with you… Read more »

8 – 14 April


9.15 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting at his residence in Attard.

6.15 p.m. The Archbishop meets with Diakonia Commission at the Domus, as part of his Pastoral Visit in Ħal Kirkop parish.

7.15 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Parish Pastoral Council, with the Synod Implementation Commission and the Economic Council, at the Domus, in Ħal Kirkop… Read more »

The Feast of the Divine Mercy

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On Sunday 7th April 2013, the feast of the Divine Mercy will be celebrated at the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, San Pawl tat-Tarġa with Adoration at 5.00pm followed by Mass celebrated by the Auxiliary Bishop Mgr Charles J. Scicluna. …

Archbishop celebrates mass in Rabat

On Thursday 5th April 2013, the Archbishop celebrated mass on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the incoronation of Our Lady of Good Health, in Rabat.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta. Tel: 21236723… Read more »

Courtesy visit to the Archbishop by Fr John Grennan OCD

On Friday 5th April 2013, His High Rev. Fr John Grennan OCD, Superior General of the Order of the Discalced Carmelites, pays a couresy visit to the Archbishop at the Curia.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Pope expresses spiritual closeness to Argentina after floods

Argentina floods

Pope Francis has had a telegram sent to Argentina expressing his spiritual closeness to his homeland, after flooding has killed at least 54 people in and around the capital . Torrential rains on Tuesday and Wednesday moved through Buenos Aires, and the nearby city of La Plata. As the waters recede more bodies are being found.
In the telegram sent on his behalf by the Secretary of State, Pope Francis expressed his sadness at the news, and expressed his spiritual closeness to those affected, and their families… Read more »

Ħal Kirkop Pastoral Visit Programme

Friday 5th April

10.30 a.m. The Archbishop meets the parish priest, at the Curia.

Sunday 7th April

8.30 a.m. The Archbishop celebrates the Pastoral Visit opening mass at the Parish Church and later he meets with people.

11.00 a.m. The Archbishop meets with members of civil society in Ħal Kirkop.

Monday 8th April

6.15 p.m… Read more »

European church justice report demands states’ financial accountability

The coordinator of Europe’s Catholic justice and peace commissions has welcomed interest in a new church-backed report, which demanded tougher government action against tax evasion and financial dishonesty. “Consultations are under way and church interventions are having a real impact,” said Dominican Father Henrik Alberius, Swedish coordinator of the Paris-based Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions. “Through his own simple lifestyle, the new pope (Francis) is clearly setting an important example and helping reconnect the church’s message of human rights, reconciliation and development with people’s real concerns.” Father Alberius told Catholic News Service that some Catholics had been reluctant to tackle “big economic and social questions,” but added that the report — which set out measures to protect democracy against financial abuses — formed part of church efforts to promote social justice in Europe… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on Maundy Thursday

Konkatidral S. Ġwann

28 ta’ Marzu 2013

Ħuti, aħna ġejna flimkien biex niċċelebraw dak li sar elfejn sena ilu, jiġifieri t-twaqqif tal-Ewkaristija minn Sidna Ġesù Kristu. Aħna fl-ewwel lezzjoni diġa rajna tifkira oħra għaliex fl’Antik Testment il-Lhud li għadhom sal-lum jiċċelebraw il-festa tal-Għid billi joqtlu ħaruf u jiekluh bħala familja flimkien. U waqt din iċ-ċeremonja kollha Sidna Ġesù Kristu iwaqqaf l-Ewkaristija u dik it-tifkira jagħmilha xi ħaġa li hija preżenti għalina llum… Read more »