Yearly Archives: 2013

Archbishop’s message on the opening of Parliament

Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann

6 ta’ April 2013

Onorevoli Prim Ministru u Sinjura Muscat,

Sidna Ġesù Kristu wiegħed il-paċi lil dawk li kienu madwaru, wegħedhom l-Ispirtu s-Santu u ma qallhom xejn iktar għaliex huma kienu diġa għaddew tlett snin, nistgħu ngħidulhom ta’ apprentistat, miegħu jitgħallmu minn għandu. Dik kienet il-paċi li jimxu fuq dak li qalilhom… Read more »

Pope: “We must be visible, clear, brilliant signs of hope in world”

Pope's general audience

Pope asked: What does the resurrection mean for us today? Then he said, “With death, resurrection of Jesus “we are freed of slavery to sin. Being a child of God through baptism can’t be something we set in a corner of our lives, we must deepen relationship with God. It’s a constant temptation to put God to the side and put ourselves at the center… Read more »

Auxiliary Bishop visits Id-Dar tal-Providenza

On Friday 5th April 2013, H.L. Mgr. Charles J. Scicluna, Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General of the Diocese of Malta was given a warm welcome by the residents and staff of id-Dar tal-Providenza. He found time to meet all the residents that were gathered in the St Paul’s Hall as well as their support workers and ability promoters. Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, welcomed him on behalf of the residents and highlighted the work of id-Dar tal-Providenza, that presently houses ninety-eight residents whose age varies between ten and eighty years and over… Read more »

Pope sends condolences after Margaret Thatcher’s death

Ex British PM Margaret Thatcher

A telegram was sent to David Cameron on behalf of Pope Francis offering the Holy Father’s condolences after the death of Margaret Thatcher.
The telegram said Pope Francis appreciated the Christian values which underpinned her commitment to public service and to the promotion of freedom among the family of nations.

The message by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State, reads “His Holiness Pope Francis was saddened to learn of the death of Baroness Margaret Thatcher… Read more »

Hal Kirkop Opening Mass


On Sunday 7th April 2013, the Archbishop celebrated the Pastoral Visit opening mass at the Ħal Kirkop Parish Church and later he met with people.

CLICK HERE to view the Pastoral visit programme in Ħal Kirkop




The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Charity Day 2013

Nhar il-Ħadd li ġej, 14 ta’ April, 2013, it-Tielet Ħadd tal-Għid, il-Knisja f’Malta tiċċelebra JUM IL-KARITA’.

Il-motto li ntgħażel mill-Kumitat Organizzattiv tas-Segretarjat Ħidma Soċjali u ta’ Karita’ hu “POPLU LI JEMMEN…IĦOBB”.

Mill-offerti li se jaghti l-poplu t’Alla waqt il-quddiesa tas-Sibt filghaxija u tal-Hadd, 13-14 t’April, se jibbenefikaw id-Djar tat-tfal, id-Djar tal-anzjani, Dar Pirotta, Id-Dar tal-Providenza, is-Segretarjat Emigranti u Refugjati, is-Segretarjat Assistenza Socjali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija u l-Agenzija CARITAS… Read more »

Cana Movement holds its Annual General Meeting

Nhar is-Sibt 6 t’April 2013, tlaqqgħet il-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Moviment ta’ Kana, li saret fiċ-Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazjoni (ĊAK) f’Birkirkara. Il-laqgħa ġiet indirizzata minn Dun Joseph Mizzi, Direttur, u Dr. Arthur Galea Salomone, President. Il-laqgħa ġiet fi tmiemha permezz ta’ ndirizz mill-E.T. Mons Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P.

Diskors ta’ Dun Joe Mizzi, Direttur tal-Moviment ta’ Kana

Għeżież ħbieb,

Merħba u s-sliem lil kulħadd… Read more »

Fr Grennan meets members of the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order

Il-Ġimgħa, 5 ta’ April 2013, il-membri tal-Ordni Sekulari Karmelitan Tereżjan inġabru fis-Sala “Madonna tal-Karmnu”, B’Kara, għal-laqgħa straordinarja mad-Definitur Ġenerali tal-Ordni, P. John Grennan ocd. Hu ħeġġiġhom biex jgħixu r-Regola billi jżommu lil Kristu fiċ-ċentru ta’ ħajjithom u saħaq biex jibnu l-ħajja spiritwali tagħhom fuq tliet pedamenti: l-umiltà, imħabba u distakk skond ma tgħallem Santa Tereża ta’ Ġesù.

Għal iktar tagħrif wieħed jista’ jżur il-website Read more »