Yearly Archives: 2013

22-28 April


9.30 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at his residence in Attard.

6.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Family Commission at the Sisters’ House, in Ħal Kirkop.

7.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Liturgical Commission at the Sisters’ House, in Ħal Kirkop.


5.00 p.m. The Archbishop meets persons in charge of Evangelisation, at the Sisters’ House, in Ħal Kirkop… Read more »

New Archpriest for St. Paul’s Shipwreck Parish in Valletta

Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. has appointed Mgr Alexander Cordina archpriest of Saint Paul’s Shipwreck Parish in Valletta.

Born on 7th October 1958, Mgr Cordina received his education at Stella Maris College in Gżira, at St. Joseph secondary technical school in Paola, and at 6th Form in Valletta. He continued his tertiary education at the Faculty of Theology (Philosophy & Theology), University of Malta… Read more »

Mdina Dialogues

On Wednesday 17th April 2013, began the first part of the Mdina Dialogues between Archbishop Paul Cremona and young people, held in St Paul’s Square, Mdina. Over 150 people turned up to an evening of animation and conversation in the specially-created ambience, outside St Paul’s Cathedral.

The Mdina Dialogues is a two-part event, bringing young people and the archbishop together for an hour of exchange… Read more »

Pope appoints cardinals for advice

Pope chooses Cardinals for advise

Following is the full text of a communique issued in the last days by the Secretariat of State.

“The Holy Father Francis, taking up a suggestion that emerged during the General Congregations preceding the Conclave, has established a group of cardinals to advise him in the government of the universal Church and to study a plan for revising the Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia, ‘Pastor Bonus’… Read more »

The last talk in the series ‘Żwieġ b’Saħħtu’

The final talk for this year in the series Żwieġ b’Saħħtu will be held on 23rd April 2013 at Sala San Pawl, Catholic Institute, Floriana at 7pm.  The guest speaker will be Msgr Anton Gouder who will explain how:

“The family is similar to a cabbage!”

In order to flourish, the family requires several needs; it has a right to stable employment, a suitable home, health-care, adequate rest and recreation… Read more »

Archbishop in ‘Mdina Dialogues’

On Wednesday 17th April 2013, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. holds his first Dialogue with young people in Saint Paul’s Square Mdina, between 7:30pm and 8:30pm. The series of two ‘Mdina Dialagues’ bring the Archbishop and young people for an hour of sharing and discussion.

The conversations will draw on the theme of Faith, and its place in contemporary life… Read more »

Courtesy visit to the Archbishop by the Speaker of the House of Representatives

On Wednesday 17th April 2013, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr Anġlu Farrugia, paid a courtesy visit to Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P., at the Archbishop’s Curia. The Archbishop also greeted the Deputy Speaker, Mr Ċensu Galea, and the Parliamentary whips of the House, Mr Carmelo Abela and Mr David Agius.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Literacy Week

For the second consecutive year, the Literacy Team in collaboration with ‘Let me Learn and Writing Programme within the Secretariat for Catholic Education are organizing a Literacy Week for Church Schools children, entitled “Fairies tell Tales”. The activities are being held at The Mediterranean Conference Centre, Valletta, and at the Lower Barrakka. Over 1000 students will be participating.

The aim is to expose Grade 2 students and their teachers to literacy through hands-on activities in a diverse and interactive way… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on the 100th anniversary of the Holy Trinity parish, Marsa

Knisja Santissima Trinità, Marsa

12 ta’ April 2013

Ħuti aħna qegħdin hawnhekk biex infakkru l-100 sena minn meta din il-Knisja ġiet ikkonsagrata u saret parroċċa jiġifieri komunità li għandha territorju u li trid tieħu ħsiebu fl-evanġelizzazzjoni. L-Isqof ta’ dak iż-żmien li kien Mons. Pietru Pace, ħalla f’idejn din il-komunita r-responsabbiltà li tevanġelizza dan it-territorju tal-Marsa… Read more »