Yearly Archives: 2013

The feast of St Catherine’s in Zejtun

Wara l-mewt tal-Arċipriet Dun Eric Overand,

wara li l-Awtoritajiet tal-Knisja kienu kkonsultaw lis-Soċjetajiet Soċjali marbuta mal-Festa taż-Żejtun li lkoll qablu li joqgħodu għad-deċizjoni tal-Kurja, u

wara li fid-9 ta’ Mejju l-Kurja ħabbret li tħassret din il-Festa,

Monsinjur Arċisqof, kif kien mitlub, iddeċieda li jikkonsidra mill-ġdid din id-deċiżjoni. Għalhekk saret proposta lill-istess Soċjetajiet li ssir Festa b’attivitajiet imnaqqsa. Fit-22 ta’ Mejju 2013, Dun Gino Gauci, bħala l-Amministrattur Parrokkjali,  ressaq din il-proposta f’forma ta’ working paper quddiem is-Soċjetajiet… Read more »

‘The Priests In Malta’ Concert

On the occasion of the Year of Faith, the Church in Malta is organising a concert by three renowned tenors known as ‘The Priests’. These are the Catholic priests from Ireland, Fr Martin O’Hagan, Fr Eugene O’Hagan and Fr David Delargy. This is the first time that ‘The Priests’ will be performing in Malta. The concert will be held on Friday 21st June 2013, at the Catholic Institute, Floriana, at 7.30 p.m… Read more »

Pope: “Mary is always in a hurry to help us”

Pope Francis

Early on the feast of the Holy Trinity Pope Francis made his first Pastoral visit to a Diocese in Rome. The Parish of Saint Elisabeth and Zechariah gave the Pope a rapturous welcome as he arrived by helicopter to celebrate Mass and administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion to 16 children. Also in a first for a Pope on a visit to a parish, the Holy Father heard the confessions of a least 7 people… Read more »

Archbishop meeting young people in Ħal Safi

On Thursday 23rd May 2013, the Archbishop met young people from Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK) and members from ‘Kummissjoni Festa San Pawl Safi,’ at the Parish Centre, as part of his pastoral visit in Ħal Safi.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Archbishop meets Civil Society in Ħal Safi

On Wednesday 22nd May 2013, the Archbishop met members of Civil Society, at the Local Council, as part of his Pastoral Visit in Ħal Safi.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Sliema (Jesus of Nazareth Parish) Pastoral Visit Programme

Tuesday 21st May

5.00 p.m. The Archbishop meets with children attending catechism, at the Parish church.

6.15 p.m. The Archbishop meets the catechists, at the Dominican convent.

Wednesday 22nd May

10.30 a.m. The Archbishop meets the Parish Priest, at the Curia.

Saturday 25th May

5.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Diakonia Commission of the Parish, at the Dominican convent hall… Read more »

Pope: “The Holy Trinity is the face of God”

Pope Francis during Angelus

St Peter’s Square was packed to capacity as pilgrims and tourists joined Pope Francis for the Sunday Angelus. In words before the recitation of the Marian prayer the Holy Father recalled the Feast of the Holy Trinity. He said that “The light of Easter and Pentecost renew every year in us the joy and wonder of faith that recognizes that God is not something vague, or abstract, but has a name: “God is love.”
Pope Francis explained the Holy Trinity is not the product of human reasoning, but the face with which God has revealed himself, walking with humanity… Read more »

‘San Paolo evangelizza i Maltesi’ Oratorio

The Archdiocese of Malta is presenting an Oratorio by Carlo Diacono, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Eucharistic Congress of 1913 and the Year of Faith.

The Oratorio, composed by soloists, the Mirabitur chior and the Malta Philarmonic Orchestra will be held on Friday 31st May 2013, at St. John’s Co-Cathedral Valletta.

Entrance is free.

More details in the poster below… Read more »

New Archpriest for Għargħur

Fr Christopher Galea

Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. has appointed Fr Christopher Galea parish priest of St Bartholomew parish in Għargħur.

Born on the 14th October 1969, Fr Christopher received his education at Mosta primary school and at St Michael’s School, St Venera. He continued his tertiary education at the Faculty of Theology (Philosophy & Theology), University of Malta.

Fr Christopher Galea was ordained to the priesthood on 2nd July 1999 and appointed vice parish priest at St George’s parish, Qormi… Read more »

New Archpriest for Żejtun

Dun Nicholas Pace

Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. has appointed Fr Nicholas Pace archpriest of St. Catherine’s parish in Żejtun.

Born on 1st December 1961, Fr Nicholas received his education at the Siġġiewi primary school, at St. Augustine College in Pieta, and at Stella Maris College (6th Form) in Gżira. He continued his tertiary education at the Faculty of Theology (Philosophy & Theology), University of Malta… Read more »