Yearly Archives: 2012

Archbishop’s message on the 50 years from the religious profession of Sr Monica Mifsud

Kappella ta’ Ġesu Nazzarenu, iż-Żejtun

14 ta’ Ottubru 2012

Ħamsin sena ilu Sr Monica quddiem Alla l-Imbierek għamlet il-wegħdiet tagħha. Ħa nfakkarkom bejn wieħed u ieħor, x’inhuma l-wegħdiet. Kienet professjoni perpetwa,  jiġifieri dak iż-żmien lill-Mulej qaltlu: jiena ħajti se nagħtihielek; indum ngħix kemm indum ngħix, ħajti mhux se tibqa tiegħi, imma se tkun tiegħek. Għalhekk hija perpetwa biex il-Mulej ikun jista’ jiddisponi minnha… Read more »

October 22-28


9.15 a.m.           The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting.

5.30 p.m.           The Archbishop meets with Diakonia Commission, at the Parish House as part of his Pastoral visit in Kalkara.

7.00 p.m.           The Archbishop presides over a meeting of the Parish Assembly, at the Parish Centre, in Kalkara.


11.00 a.m.        … Read more »

Spirituality in Marriage Conference

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Ottubru 2012, saret konferenza organizzata mill-Proġett Impenn, bit-tema ‘L-Ispiritwalita’ fiż-Żwieġ’. Il-kelliem ewlieni kien Mons. Jean Laffitte, Segretarju tal-Kunsill Pontifiċju tal-Familja. L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. għalaq il-konferenza li kienet tinkludi wkoll esperjenza taż-żwieġ minn koppja ta’ eta’ żagħżugħa. Il-konferenza saret fil-lukanda Phoenicia, Floriana.

Click on the photos to enlarge… Read more »

Xarabank raises €163,715 for Caritas

The generosity of the Maltese people came to the fore during last Friday’s Xarabank programme on TVM when a total of €163,715 was pledged to Caritas Malta.  Xarabank was dedicated to the programmes of rehabilitation from drug abuse pioneered by Caritas, and other services the organisation provides to people in need.This was also a tribute to Mgr. Victor Grech, who turned 83 on Friday and was regaled with well wishes and thanks for his vision and work in helping addicts stop the use of illict drugs and return to society.At the base of this edition of Xarabank were chilling stories of pre-teen addiction to injected heroin, uncontrollable use of drugs in spite of seeing death in the family from overdose, and the suffering of parents who see their children fall victims to drugs.   … Read more »

Pope Commemorates World Food Day

In a statement to the Director General of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, José Graziano da Silva, Pope Benedict XVI stated that Church regards agricultural initiatives important in feeding the hungry.  The statement was made by the Holy Father to mark World Food Day.

Highlighting the importance of World Food Day particularly with the current economic crisis, the Holy Father stated that it was “the fundamental right of every person” to have access to “sufficient and healthy nutrition.”

“Hence I greet with particular satisfaction the choice to dedicate this Day to reflection on the topic ‘Agricultural Cooperatives Feed the World.’ It is not only about giving support to cooperatives as expression of a different way of economic and social organization, but of considering them a real instrument of international action,” the Pope said… Read more »

Cardinal Bertone announces Vatican delegation to Syria

Vatican delegation will go to Syria

Opening the General Congregation of the Synod of Bishops yesterday evening, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State took the floor to express to the Syrian population the closeness of the Holy Father, the Synodal Fathers and other Participants in the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. In the Cardinal Secretary of State’s words was the announcement of a Delegation in Syria and a prayer that in the Country a political solution to the appalling tragedy might be found, that the suffering, weak and displaced might be protected, that reason and compassion might prevail… Read more »

Evangelization requires more outreach to young adults, Archbishop says

Archbishop Skurla

The Catholic Church does a fairly good job providing religious education to children but seems to fail with young adults just when they are making independent decisions about how they will live, said Byzantine Catholic Archbishop William C. Skurla of Pittsburgh. Addressing the Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization, Archbishop Skurla said, “producing committed, faithful Catholics will determine the future of the church.”

While many bishops at the October synod have focused on the importance of catechesis and religious education, the archbishop said the church must be realistic about the need to vary educational approaches according to a person’s age… Read more »

Message by Bishop Mario Grech during the Synod of Bishops

Qegħdin ngħaddu l-messaġġ li għamel dalgħodu l-Isqof t’Għawdex Mons. Mario Grech fis-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet li qiegħed isir f’Ruma dwar l-Evanġelizzazzjoni l-Ġdida għat-Trasmissjoni tal-Fidi Kristjana.


Fil-bidu tas-Sena tal-Fidi, il-Q.T. il-Papa jistedinna biex ngħaddu mill-“bieb tal-fidi” ħalli nidħlu f’komunjoni ma’ Alla, u fl-istess ħin biex nagħtu spinta ġdida lill-evanġelizzazzjoni “ħalli niskopru mill-ġdid il-ferħ li hemm filli nemmnu u nerġgħu nsibu l-entużjażmu filli ngħaddi l-fidi lill-oħrajn” (Porta fidei, 1.7)… Read more »