Yearly Archives: 2012

‘Żwieġ b’Saħħtu’ meeting rescheduled

Il-Moviment ta’ Kana ifakkar li l-laqgħa li kellha ssir fit-13 ta’ Novembru fis-serje ta’ ‘Żwieg b’Saħħtu’ ser issir nhar it-Tlieta 11 ta’ Dicembru fis-7.00p.m. fis-Sala San Pawl l-istitut Kattoliku, l-Furjana. Read more »

New archbishop of Canterbury shaped by Catholics, favors women bishops

Bishop Justin Welby

The newly appointed leader of the world’s Anglicans is a former oil executive who said his spiritual director was a Catholic monk. Bishop Justin Welby of Durham, who will become the new archbishop of Canterbury, did not name the monk, but told a Nov. 9 news conference at London’s Lambeth Palace that he was influenced by both Benedictine and Ignatian spirituality… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on Remembrance Day 2012

Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, Il-Belt Valletta

11 ta’ Novembru 2012

Illum qegħdin niċċelebraw Jum it-Tifkira, biex ma ninsewx lil dawk li taw jew ipperikolaw ħajjithom fl-aħħar żewġ Gwerer Dinjija. Ikun hemm xi wħud minna li f’dan il-Jum jiftakru fl-għeżież tagħhom li tilfu fil-gwerra, u allura t-tifkira tkun ħafna iktar personali u allura iktar emottiva għal din it-telfa… Read more »

November 12-18


9.15 a.m.             The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, in his residence in Attard.

4.30 p.m.             The Archbishop meets seminarians, celebrates Mass and stays with them for dinner, at the Seminary in Tal-Virtu’.


9.30 a.m.             The Archbishop visits the Primary School in Guardamangia, as part of his pastoral visit… Read more »

November 12-18


9.15 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at his residence in Attard.

4.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets seminarians, celebrates Mass and stays with them for dinner, at the Seminary in Tal-Virtu’.


9.30 a.m. The Archbishop visits the Primary School in Guardamangia, as part of his pastoral visit.

4.30 p.m… Read more »

Apostolic Nuncio appointed Archbishop of Pompei

Earlier today, it has been announced that the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has appointed the Apostolic Nuncio in Malta, His Excellency Archbishop Tommaso Caputo, as Archbishop of Pompei and Pontifical Delegate for the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin of the Holy Rosary of Pompei.

His Excellency Monsignor Tommaso Caputo, 62, who hails from Naples, was ordained priest in 1974… Read more »

Responding to the global struggle of violence

Pope Benedict XVI

The purpose of overcoming the violence that threatens the construction of a world based on justice and peace calls for responsibility to be taken by society as a whole. With this conviction Benedict XVI  addressed representatives of Interpol – the organization made up of police from 190 of the World’s countries – whom he received in audience this morning, Friday 9 November, in the Paul VI  Hall, on the occasion of their 81st general assembly that took place in the past few days in Rome… Read more »

Church School Entries in 2013

Ir-Regolamenti għad-dħul fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja għas-sena 2013 ġew ippublikati fuq il-website tal-Knisja f’Malta, fis-sezzjoni:

B’kollox ser ikun hemm total ta’ 1,802 postijiet vakanti. L-applikazzjonijiet ser isiru f’diversi skejjel tal-Knisja bejn Novembru u Frar. Min ser japplika għandu jieħu miegħu d-dokumenti meħtieġa u l-applikazzjoni timtelà dakinhar stess.  B’hekk l-applikanti ma jkollhomx għalfejn jinqalgħu darbtejn. Lista tad-dokumenti meħtieġa, u l-ġranet meta wieħed għandu jmur japplika u fejn, huma imniżżla fir-Regolamenti… Read more »

Church Archives Online

The Archdiocese of Malta has transferred all its microfilms into digital media to make them available over the internet.  This will enable the Archives to be more reachable by researchers and the casual visitor alike.

The Archives of the Archbishop of Malta, located in Floriana, contain the diocesan records from 1531 to 1898, along with some miscellaneous items dating from 1450 to 1928… Read more »

Curia Archives accessible online

Nhar l-Erbgħa 7 ta’ Novembru 2012,  saret tat-tnedija uffiċċjali ta’ website ġdida li ġiet inawgurata llum mill-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. Il-website tiġbor fiha l-Arkivji tal-Arċisqof li jinsabu fil-Kurja. Din tinkludi dokumenti ta’ bejn l-1531 u l-1898, fosthom dokumentazzjoni uffiċċjali dwar il-visti pastorali, atti ċivili, reġistri  u oħrajn.

Studenti u ricerkaturi spiss juzaw l-arkivji tal-Kurja għall-proġetti tagħhom u għalhekk inħasset il-ħtiega li dawn jigu diġitizzati u aċċessibbli online… Read more »