Monthly Archives: October 2012

Eight meetings on the Gospel of St.Mark

Ser isiru serje ta’ 8 laqgħat dwar l-Evanġelju ta’ Marku, li ser isiru mill-Kan. Dun Karm Attard fis-Sala ta’ Birkirkara (dħul mit-Triq Mike Pulis).

Dawn il-laqgħat ser jibdew mill-5 t’Ottubru fis-7:15 p.m.

Kulħadd huwa mistieden biex jattendi, u jekk huwa possibli jġib miegħu il-Bibbja. Read more »

Diocesan Assembly 2012

L-Assemblea Djoċesana tal-Knisja f’Malta din is-sena se tiddiskuti l-isfidi għall-ħidma pastorali mal-familja u r-realtà tal-fidi. Din l-Assemblea se tiltaqa’ għada l-Ġimgħa 5, u s-Sibt 6 ta’ Ottubru, fiċ-Ċentru Animazzjoni u Komunikazzjoni, Birkirkara, u se tkun ippreseduta mill-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P.

L-Assemblea se jkollha tema għal kull jum, b’rabta mal-Pjan Pastorali 2012-2014 u mas-Sena tal-Fidi, li l-Papa Benedittu XVI se jiftaħ fil-11 ta’ Ottubru li ġej… Read more »

Pope asks faithful to pray for Year of Faith, Synod of Bishops

Year of Faith logo

Following his catechesis during his general audience this Wednesday, the Pope mentioned his visit to Loreto, Italy, “on the fiftieth anniversary of the famous pilgrimage made to that Marian shrine by Blessed Pope John XXIII, a week before the opening of Vatican Council II”.

Benedict XVI asked everyone to join his prayers “entrusting to the Mother of God the main ecclesial events we are preparing to experience: the Year of Faith, and the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelisation… Read more »

First WYD Info Meeting

On Thursday 4th October 2012, the first Info Meeting on the upcoming World Youth Day celebrations is being held by the Diocesan Youth Commission at the Chapel of Divine Mercy, Naxxar. The session, starting at 7pm, will brief interested participants about the preparations currently going on, locally and worldwide.

World Youth Day is an international celebration for young chirstians taking place every two to three years… Read more »

‘They seized like 1,000 documents, copies and originals’

Gabriele's trial continues

Vatican police officers have denied accusations made by the lawyer of Paolo Gabriele that he was mistreated while first in custody.
“Nobody ever mistreated Paolo Gabriele, and he himself always expressed his gratitude to the police for the way he was treated,” said Luca Cintia, the officer who oversaw his detention.
On Wednesday, the court heard the testimony of several Vatican police officers who searched Gabriele’s home… Read more »

Creation Day

Issib min jinsisti li l-kelma ‘Ħolqien’ ma għandhiex tintuża fil-vokabularju modern, iżda li għandna nużaw flokha l-kelma ‘ambjent’. Il-ħsieb huwa li jekk taċċetta l-kelma ‘Ħolqien’, allura qed taċċetta l-idea li jeżisti xi Ħadd li ħoloq dan il-kobor ta’ madwarna…li jeżisti Alla. Fid-dinja sekulari tal-lum donnu li nagħmlu minn kollox sabiex inbiegħdu anke l-ħsieb tal-Ħallieq, allura rridu anke nbiddlu l-vokabularju.

Għall-Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent, is-sitwazzjoni hija bil-maqlub… Read more »

Financial and Pastoral Report of the Archdiocese of Malta for the year 2011

Nhar it-Tlieta 2 t’Ottubru 2012, waqt konferenza tal-aħbarijiet f’Dar Fra Diegu, ġie spjegat ix-xogħol li jsir mill-Knisja mat-tfal vulnerabbli, u wara ġie ppreżentat ir-Rapport Finanzjarju u Pastorali tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta għas-sena 2011. Dan ir-rapport jinkludi r-riżultati finanzjarji ta’ aktar minn mitt entità li ħafna minnhom jaħdmu fil-qasam soċjali.

Fil-Viżta Pastorali li Mons. Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. qed jagħmel fil-parroċċi tad-Djoċesi ta’ Malta, fejn f’dawn l-aħħar tliet snin dar sitta u erbgħin minn sebgħin parroċċa, dejjem ifakkar li l-komunità Nisranija għandha tliet ħidmiet prinċipali mogħtija lilha minn Ġesù Kristu li waqqafha: dik tal-qima lil Alla fiċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi tal-quddies u s-sagramenti; il-ħidma tal-formazzjoni Nisranija kontinwa; u l-għajnuna lill-persuni li jsibu ruħhom fil-bżonn… Read more »

Witnesses in the trial against Gabriele and Sciarpelletti

Pope Benedict's former butler Paolo Gabriele

Made public yesterday was the list of witnesses to be called in the trials against Paolo Gabriele and Claudio Sciarpelletti who are accused, respectively, of aggravated theft and complicity.

The witnesses in the criminal trial against Claudio Sciarpelletti are: Msgr. Carlo Maria Polvani, William Kloter, Gianluca Gauzzi Broccoletti and Domenico Giani.

The witnesses in the criminal trial against Paolo Gabriele are: Cristina Cernetti, Giuseppe Pesce, Msgr… Read more »

Material wealth must be used for the common good

material wealth

During his Sunday message, when he appeared at Castelgandolfo’s balcony to pray the Angelus with the faithful, the Pope focused his comments on the reading from the Gospel of St. Mark which narrates how a man who was not one of Jesus’ disciples expelled demons in His name, The Apostle John wanted to stop him but Christ would not allow it, taking “the opportunity to teach His disciples that God can bring about good and even miraculous things, even outside of their circle, and that one can cooperate with the Kingdom of God in various ways”… Read more »

The Archbishop visits RTK Newsroom

Nhar it-Tnejn l-1 t’Ottubru 2012, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. żar lill-kamra tal-aħbarijiet tal-RTK fejn bierek il-ħaddiema tal-kamra tal-aħbarijiet fil-bidu ta’ proġett ġdid li jinkludi t-tnedija ta’ news portal ġdid – – u r-ristrutturar tal-kamra tal-aħbarijiet.

Agħfas fuq ir-ritratti biex tkabbar… Read more »