Monthly Archives: October 2012

Bishop Mario Grech attends the Bishop’s Synod in Rome

L-Isqof t’Għawdex Mons. Mario Grech flimkien ma’ 265 Isqof minn madwar id-dinja qiegħdin jiltaqgħu għat-13-il Assemblea Ġenerali tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet. L-Evanġelizazzjoni l-Ġdida, hija t-tema li l-Papa Benedittu XVI għażel għal dan is-Sinodu li jaħbat f’għeluq il-50 anniversarju mill-Konċilju Vatikan II. Fi kliem l-Mons. Grech, “il-bniedem tal-llum qed jipprova kollox u jibqa’ jħoss il-vojt, u propju f’dak il-vojt għandna nerġgħu inxandru u ngħinuh jiltaqa’ ma’ Kristu.”

Mons… Read more »

During the Year of Faith: ‘Cherish the Rosary’

Pope reciting the Rosary

Before praying the Angelus Sunday morning, Benedict XVI recalled that the traditional annual “supplication”, in which thousands of faithful around the world participate, is taking place today at the Italian shrine of Pompei, dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.

“As we too spiritually unite ourselves to that choral invocation, I would like to invite everyone to cherish the Rosary during the forthcoming Year of Faith… Read more »

Five talks about the Family

“Family, be what you are”.

These words of Blessed Pope John Paul II are the inspiration for this year’s theme of the project entitled “Zwieg B’Sahhtu” which the Cana Movement has been organizing since 2008. The aim of this initiative is to offer a series of talks which encourage public debate and promote healthy marriages.  The talks also serve as a means of formation for leader-couples of the Marriage Preparation Courses.  … Read more »

Three Cardinals to take possession of titles, diaconates

A cardinal taking possession of diaconate

A note released by the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff provides details concerning the taking of possession of the following titles and diaconates:

– At 6 p.m. on Monday 8 October Cardinal Lucian Muresan, major archbishop of Fagaras and Alba Julia of the Romanians, Romania, will take possession of the title of Sant’Atanasio, Via del Babuino 149, Rome… Read more »

Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop of Malta

The Holy Father Benedict XVI has appointed Monsignor Charles J. Scicluna as Auxiliary Bishop of Malta nominating him Titular Bishop of San Leone.  As Auxiliary Bishop, His Lordship Monsignor Scicluna, 53, will be called to be the closest collaborator and advisor of His Grace Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. with leadership responsibilities in the Curia and in diocesan pastoral ministry. On his Episcopal ordination on 24 November 2012, Monsignor Scicluna will become a member of the Maltese Episcopal Conference alongside the Archbishop and the Bishop of Gozo, His Lordship Monsignor Mario Grech… Read more »

October 8-14


9.15 a.m.        The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting.

4.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets seminarians, celebrates Mass and stays with them for dinner, at the Seminary in Tal-Virtu’.


5.30 p.m.         The Archbishop meets the young boys who attend catechism at the Boys’ MUSEUM, in Kalkara.

7.00 p.m.         The Archbishop meets members of the Parish Pastoral Council and the Council for the Synod Implementation and the Parish Economic Council, at the Parish House, Kalkara… Read more »

Mgr Charles J. Scicluna’s Biography

Mgr Charles J. Scicluna was born of Emanuel and Maria Carmela née Falzon in Toronto, Canada, on 15 May 1959.  The Scicluna family moved to Qormi, Malta, in 1960 and to Lija, Malta, in 1976. Mgr Scicluna was educated at Saint Sebastian Primary School, Qormi, at the Saint Joseph Secondary Technical School, Paola, and at Saint Edward’s College, Cottonera.  He entered the Law Course at the University of Malta in 1976 and he graduated Doctor of Laws in 1984.  … Read more »

Pastoral Letter: The Year of the Faith

Pope Benedict XVI has launched the Year of the Faith by issuing a document entitled “The Door to Faith”.  During this particular year, he is encouraging all Christians to grow in faith.  The Year of the Faith will commence on 11th October 2012 and end on 24th November 2013, Feast of Christ the King.  As the Pope himself stated in his introduction: “The door of faith is always open of us, leading us to be united with God and to be part of the Church.”

The Faith and Us

One of the common denominators which unites the Maltese people is the fact that nearly all of us declare that “we are Christians”.  … Read more »

Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions for October

Pope praying

Pope Benedict’s general prayer intention for October is: “That the new evangelisation may progress in the oldest Christian countries”.

His mission intention is: “That the celebration of World Mission Day may result in a renewed commitment to evangelisation”.

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