Monthly Archives: October 2009

International Coverage for Malta Colloquium

The international conference on marriage and the family, organised in Malta on the 6th and 7th October 2009 has been given prominence in the British Catholic weekly newspaper, The Tablet. The editor of this well established newspaper, Ms Catherine Pepinster, was in Malta to follow this colloquium and report it’s proceedings. This world class colloquium was organised by The Cana Movement, Malta, in collaboration with the Centre for Family Studies at the University of Malta… Read more »


Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli

The president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications will visit Cuba next month and address the plenary assembly of the nation’s episcopal conference.

The office of the media council confirmed to ZENIT that Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli will visit the island nation Nov. 4-8. He had been invited by the bishops’ conference in Cuba.

In addition to addressing the plenary assembly of bishops, the archbishop will also visit the St… Read more »

What Went On @ Y Standup?

A number of youths accepted KDZ’s (Kummisjoni Djocesana Zghazagh) invitation to participate in a forum to discuss poverty in Malta. ‘Y Standup?’ on the morning of the 24th October, kicked off just after 9.00am. With great enthusiasm at voicing  their opinions, the youths headed towards their respective workshops after a brief introduction on the event.

Each workshop had a theme to discuss poverty from different perspectives… Read more »


“Minkejja li d-Dar tal-Providenza għalqet is-sena finanzjarja 2008 b’defiċit ta’ ftit aktar minn 100,000 Ewro, fl-istess waqt li tiġbor aktar minn tliet miljun u nofs Ewro f’sena mhix ċajta, u dan juri li l-poplu Malti u Għawdxi kompla jappoġġja din id-Dar.”

Hekk sostna ma’ IL-ĠENSillum id-Direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza, Fr Martin Micallef, fid-dawl tad-dħul inqas li kellha d-Dar is-sena li għaddiet. Fl-2008, id-Dar kellha dħul ta’ 3,559,000 Ewro, waqt li s-sena ta’ qabel, id-dħul kien ta’ 4,342,000 miljun Ewro… Read more »


Benedict XVI entrusted the fruits of the Africa synod to the faithful on the continent, urging them to the “salt and light” of their homeland.

The Pope said before praying the last midday Angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square, and after celebrating the concluding liturgy of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops.

The three-week assembly, which gathered 33 cardinals, 79 archbishops and 156 bishops, considered the theme “The Church in Africa at the Service of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace.”

“The synodal fathers, who have come from every country in Africa, have presented the rich reality of the local Churches,” the Pontiff said… Read more »


Nhar is-Sibt 24 ta’ Ottubru, 2009, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona ta bidu għal żjara pastorali f’San Pawl il-Baħar. Il-laqgħat tal-Arċisqof man-nies f’din il-lokalita jkomplu matul din il-gimgħa (Agħfas hawn biex tara l-impenji tal-Arċisqof).

Iż-żjarat pastorali bdew f’Jannar ta’ din is-sena. Minn Jannar sa Lulju, l-Arċisqof zar 14-il parroċċa. Wara l-waqfa tas-sajf, iż-żjarat pastorali qed ikomplu bi żjarat f’7 parroċċi oħra sa Diċembru… Read more »

October 26 – November 1


9.30 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting.

5.00 p.m. The Archbishop meets the Liturgical Commission of Mellieha parish, as part of his pastoral visit.

6.00 p.m. The Archbishop meets the ‘Diakonia’ Commission of the same parish.

7.00 p.m. The Archbishop holds meetings with the Parish Pastoral Council, Commission for the Implementation of the Synod and the Parish Economic Council of Mellieha… Read more »


The bishops who spoke at the Synod for Africa sometimes used different and divergent tones when speaking of Islam, but they agreed on need for dialogue and religious liberty.

Monsignor Joseph Bato’ora Ballong Wen Mewuda, the synod’s spokesman for the French language, affirmed this, and noted the difference of expressions between the bishops of North Africa and those of Sub-Saharan Africa.

These differences are reflected in the conclusions of the working groups of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops… Read more »

Bishops message on Gambling

Bħala rgħajja spiritwali ta’ Malta u Għawdex aħna nixtiequ noffru lill-membri tas-soċjeta’ tagħna u lir-Rappreżentanti tagħna fil-Parlament, din ir-riflessjoni dwar il-Liberta’, b’mod speċjali issa meta qed tiġi diskussa r-regolamentazzjoni tal-Logħob tal-Azzard (Gambling) fil-gżejjer tagħna.

Il-logħob huwa meħtieġ għall-bniedem, għax barra li jgħinu biex jistrieġ mix-xogħol, jgħinu wkoll jitħallat mal-oħrajn. Infatti, għandu jhassibna l-fatt li llum ħafna m’għadhomx isibu ħin għal rikreazzjoni, partikolarment għal rikreazzjoni flimkien fejn wieħed jew waħda jkunu jistgħu jitkellmu, jiċċajtaw, jifirħu u jagħmlu festa ma’ xulxin… Read more »

Archbishop visits Qormi Primary School

L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona, il-Ġimgħa 23 ta’ Ottubru,  żar l-iskola Primarja ta’ San Ġorg f’Ħal Qormi. Matul din iż-żjara Monsinjur Arċisqof wissa dwar l-importanza li l-ġenituri jkollhom ħin biżżejjed ma’ uliedhom biex ikunu jistgħu jgħaddulhom il-valuri neċessarji, bħal rispett u ġenerosita’ lejn il-proxxmu. Filwaqt li wera l-apprezzament tiegħu lejn id-dedikazzjoni li l-ġenituri juru lejn uliedhom, l-Arċisqof wera t-tħassib tiegħu dwar kemm l-avvanzi li saru fid-dinja tal-komunikazzjoni, bħat-televiżjoni, qed iħallu influwenza u x’tip ta’ influwenza qed ikollhom fuq it-tfal… Read more »