Monthly Archives: September 2009

Pope Benedict XVI might visit Malta in April

Following the invitation in previous months by the Bishops of Malta and the President of the Republic, to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to visit Malta, Dr Alberto Gasbarri will be visiting Malta in October to explore this possibility. Dr Gasbarri, who is responsible for Pontifical Visits, is to consider a visit by the Pope in April 2010, on the occasion of the 1950th anniversary of St Paul’s shipwreck… Read more »

Seven new seminarians and a new website for the Archbishop’s Seminary

Earlier this week, seven young men started out on the period of formation for the Diocesan Priesthood at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Rabat. These join the other 30 young people who are already undergoing formation towards priestly ordination in its several phases at the institution.

Within this new group of seminarians, two belong to St Sebastian’s parish, Qormi, two come from Mosta whilst three hail from Dingli, Naxxar and Kalkara, their average age being 21 years… Read more »

Is Secularisation on the Reverse Gear? – DISCERN Lecture 2009

The Institute for Research on the Signs of the Times (DISCERN) is organising its annual lecture on Tuesday 13th October, 2009 at 7:00p.m. This event will be held at the Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana. This year’s lecture will be addressing the question: ‘Is Secularisation on the Reverse Gear?’ The main speaker will be Professor David Martin, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London… Read more »

Divorce, cohabitation ruin the lives of many children – Benedict XVI

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) — Many children raised by cohabitating, separated, divorced or remarried parents are deprived of fixed points of reference and can suffer from inner conflict and confusion, Pope Benedict XVI told Brazilian bishops. The traditional family based on a man and woman united in an indissoluble marriage is under attack in today’s world, he said. “There are forces and voices in present society that seem committed to demolishing the natural homestead of human life,” the pope said during a meeting Sept… Read more »

Pope to visit Fatima shrine in Portugal next May

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI plans to visit the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal next May, Portuguese bishops announced. The pope will preside over ceremonies May 13, the date of the first apparition of Mary to three shepherd children in 1917. No other details of the papal program were immediately available, according to Vatican Radio. The trip is the second papal foreign visit announced for 2010… Read more »

Honduran official hints Vatican help might mediate political crisis

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (CNS) — Days after deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returned secretly to the country, there were signs that the leaders who ousted him were considering negotiations, and the foreign minister said the Vatican might help mediate a solution to the crisis. On Sept. 24, Auxiliary Bishop Juan Pineda Fasquelle of Tegucigalpa spoke with both of the main players in the political standoff. The bishop visited both Zelaya and Roberto Micheletti, who heads the de facto government that ousted Zelaya in a coup June 28… Read more »

Y Standup?

Fis-17 ta’ Ottubru infakkru l-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Faqar. Matul dik il-ġimgħa issir sejħa sabiex inqumu kontra l-faqar f’kampanji ta’ ‘Standup’ organizzati madwar id-dinja minn għaqdiet u movimenti differenti. Y Standup? hu proġett li qiegħed isir sabiex flimkien nirriflettu dwar il-faqar bħala realta lokali u globali.

Permezz ta’ dan il-progett għandu jinħoloq spazju fejn iż-żgħażagħ jistgħu jesprimu l-vuċi tagħhom dwar il-faqar mal-politici, awtoritajiet ekkleżjastiċi u organizzazjonijiet mhux governattivi oħrajn… Read more »

Lhud Taljani jerġgħu għar-riflessjoni

Il-jum ta’ riflessjoni Gudeo-Kristjana tradizzjonalment mizmum fl-Italja qabel il-gimgha ta’ talb ghall-ghaqda nisranija li ssir f’Jannar, rega’ tfacca u sab postu fil-kalendarju tal-2010. Dan wara li fl-2009 kien kancellat wara thassib dwar l-uzu tat-talba tal-Gimgha l-Kbira wara li l-ittra tal-Papa Benedittu 16 fl-2007 fethet it-triq ghal uzu usa tal-Missal tal-1962. Sussegwentament il-Papa ghamel bidliet f’din it-talba ghal-Lhud f’dik il-forma tal-liturgija.

Konferma dwar l-inkluzjoni tal-jum ta’ riflessjoni fil-kalendarju tas-sena 2010, waslet mill-Kardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President tal-Konferenza Episkopali Taljana… Read more »

Kristu għandu jkun fiċ-Ċentru

“Filwaqt li l-kultura Ewropea shiha iffurmat profondament permezz tal-wirt nisrani taghha, dan jidher car hafna fl-art Ceka, minhabba li kien permezz tal-missjunarji San Cirillu u San Metodju fis-seklu 9 li l-ewwel lingwa Slavonika antika bdiet tinkiteb. Gustament li l-appostli tal-popli Slavici u fundaturi tal-kultura taghhom jinghataw rikonoxximent bhala l-padruni tal-Ewropa”.

Dan stqarru l-Papa Benedittu XVI fi ftuh l-ewwel zjara appostolika tieghu fir-Repubblika Ceka, it-tlettax-il vjagg tieghu tul dan il-pontifikat… Read more »

September 28 – October 4


The Archbishop travels from Madrid to Paris for the General Assembly of the Presidents of the European Episcopal Conferences.


10.00 p.m. The Archbishop returns to Malta from Paris. Read more »