Luke 5,27-32

When Jesus went out, he noticed a tax collector, Levi by name, sitting at the tax office, and said to him, ‘Follow me.’And leaving everything Levi got up and followed him. In his honour Levi held a great reception in his house, and with them at table was a large gathering of tax collectors and others. The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples and said, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?’ Jesus said to them in reply, ‘It is not those that are well who need the doctor, but the sick. I have come to call not the upright but sinners to repentance.’

The Saint of the day: St Juliana

Luke 5,27-32

Wara dan, Ġesù ħareġ u lemaħ wieħed pubblikan, jismu Levi, bilqiegħda quddiem il-mejda tat-taxxi, u qallu: “Ejja warajja.” Dak telaq kollox, qam u mar warajh. Mbagħad Levi għamillu laqgħa kbira f’daru stess, u kien hemm magħhom fuq il-mejda kotra kbira ta’ pubblikani u nies oħra. Il-Fariżej u l-kittieba sħabhom bdew igemgmu mad-dixxipli tiegħu, u qalulhom: “Dan l-għala tieklu u tixorbu mal-pubblikani u l-midinbin?” U Ġesù weġibhom: “Mhux dawk li huma f’saħħithom għandhom bżonn it-tabib, iżda l-morda. Jien mhux lill-ġusti ġejt insejjaħ, iżda lill-midinbin għall-indiema.”

Il-Qaddis tal-jum: San Onezimu